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I ended my day by getting a ride home from the middle of nowhere with a random guy’s father, and I didn’t die.

This is the exact text message I sent my mother upon stepping through the door. In case you are not already waiting on the edge of your seat, I had just spent the past two and a half hours in closed quarters with said unknown person, who happens to have really nice dreadlocks and smell strongly of marijuana. Even more of a plot twist: we had both just paid an architect who was on his way up from Lyon to carry us for the last few hours of his journey and drop us off in a random parking lot on the outskirts of Troyes.


All of today’s shady adventures in epic part 3 of my random tours of France were organized by the extremely reputable website covoiturage.fr, where credit card information is handled by a third party and money is not delivered to the driver until the passenger is safely dropped off at a pre-determined destination (which could be a parking lot in the middle of nowhere.) Luckily, another random guy was also disposed of in my random parking lot, and he happened to have a loving father waiting for him, both of them insisting on saving me the bus ride home.

Why, might you ask, was I in the need of a two-hour ride from and with strangers? I went to Dijon for the day, and the moral of epic part 3 of my random tours of France is:

1. I’m moving to the countryside in Burgundy.

2. Always trust the father of a person with whom you’ve been locked in a car for a lengthy period of time.

On a more serious note, be on the lookout for my full guide to Dijon in the coming days, and merry covoituraging to you all.

*I hereby claim all rights to this title, which is, I’m sure, how copyrighting works.